Reliable Couriers

Dash Delivery has offered time-efficient and cost-effective on-call rush delivery and customized routed delivery solutions to Providence since 1995. We can handle deliveries of all shapes and most sizes, from single envelopes to large file boxes and much more. Give us a call—tell us what you have and when you need it there; you may be surprised what we can do for you.



The first questions we’re always asked is “do you go there?” and the answer is usually “YES.” We deliver packages all over Providence. For deliveries within one hour we have a special “Rush” rate; we also offer a “Super Rush” 30-minute delivery. For more information about our customized delivery solutions, please call us any time.


We deliver rain-or-shine Monday through Friday 8:30am-5:00pm.
Drop us a line at 401-864-3274 to get started.